Quick (and essential) Guide to Choosing A Capsule Coffee Maker

December 27, 2020

Nespresso, Dolce Gusto, Tassimo or Senseo? If you are thinking of buying a capsule coffee maker, these 4 brands will undoubtedly be familiar to you.

The fact that there are 4 firms from which to choose your coffee maker complicates the choice. Although that is nothing if we compare it with the number of models that each brand offers us.

Capsule coffee makers have been on the market for some time. This has the advantage that there is great competition to win quota, which is good for you because you can find interesting offers and promotions both in coffee machines and in the capsules that you can use in your coffee machine.

However, new models of pod coffee makers do not stop coming onto the market , to which are added the classic and more veteran coffee machines, among which are the best-selling models.

Against this background, it is clear that you are going to need a guide to guide you in your purchase.

The objective is for you to quickly discover which models are the best for you by following this quick guide with the 13 key points that you must take into account if you want to choose the best capsule coffee maker.

Unlike other coffee makers, choosing the best capsule coffee maker requires that you study not only the characteristics of the coffee maker, but also the capsules that you will be able to use with it ( variety of flavors, availability, price ,…).

It does not make much sense that you save a few dollars  when buying a capsule coffee maker of a certain brand, if then the capsules are more expensive than those of another brand. Nor do you choose a coffee maker that makes coffees that are not to your liking.

Who are capsule coffee makers for?

Although within the world of capsule coffee makers we find models with very different benefits that can satisfy consumers with very different needs, in general it can be said that buying a capsule coffee maker is a good idea for you if:

  • You value making coffee quickly and easily.
  • Just put the capsule in and wait for the coffee to come out once you have pressed a button.
  • They are clean.
  • When the coffee comes in a capsule, you have no problems with it spilling around the kitchen, or the coffee spilling.
  • Besides coffee you like to prepare other drinks in the coffee maker.
  • With capsule coffee machines you can prepare other drinks (chocolates, herbal teas,….) That other family members can enjoy (children, elderly people who cannot drink coffee.
  • You like to enjoy a good coffee without having to be a great expert.
  • Unlike espresso machines , which require prior knowledge if you want to prepare a highly personalized coffee to your liking, with capsule coffee machines you will not have to worry about the type of coffee or the degree of grinding, since the capsule itself is prepared to enjoy a very good quality coffee.

What must be taken into account when buying a capsule coffee maker?

Before entering each of the sections, to choose a capsule coffee maker you must take into account not only the coffee maker itself, but also the capsules.

It can be very tempting to choose a coffee maker at a good deal.

However, you should bear in mind that the type of coffee (or other preparations) is limited to the capsules that can be used in the coffee machine (whether they are the brand’s own or the compatible ones, if any).

This can have several negative consequences that you should consider:

  • You don’t like the taste of the coffee in the capsules.
  • Without going into the quality of the aroma and flavor of the coffee contained in the capsule, if in the end it is not to your taste, you will hardly take advantage of the capsule coffee maker. This does not happen with other coffee brewing systems
  • That the capsules are too expensive for you.
  • Although the coffee maker was at a good price, the capsules are too expensive for you. This happens less and less, because compatible capsules are proliferating that widen the range of both prices and qualities.
  • In general, using ground coffee is cheaper than using coffee in capsules.
  • That you like to try different ways of preparing coffee.
  • There are people who prefer to discover the world of coffee for themselves, they do not find much sense to just put a capsule and wait for the coffee to come out.
  • They prefer to intervene in the production process to discover new flavors and aromas that only after several tests and trials only they achieve (for example with an espresso machine ).
  • In addition, the aroma of freshly ground coffee is something unique.

Capsule coffee machines have more advantages than disadvantages, hence the clear acceptance they have had among consumers.

However, to choose the model you need, you must take into account the following 13 points (relative to both capsules and coffee makers):

1. Variety of coffees and preparations that you can make with your coffee maker.
2. The price of the capsules.
3. Can I use compatible capsules?
4. Where to buy the capsules?
5. How many capsules do you need to prepare a drink?
6. Quality of the coffees.
7. Coffee maker design
8.Capsule coffee maker range (models)
9. Do I need a coffee machine with a tank for the capsules?
10. Capsule coffee makers with vaporizer.
11. Capsule coffee makers that allow you to prepare 2 coffees at the same time.
12. Do you prefer very short coffees?
13. Cleaning and descaling system.

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