Not only our beautiful country is affected by this pandemic but globally we are fighting to stay safe and our safety lies on us. Our country is now on 21 days lockdown and it is up to each individual to follow the rules so to keep each other safe. There are a lot of fake news and spread of such that causes paranoia and/or anxiety. Keep informed via the authentic platforms like WHO site, listening to news and following up on the provided numbers by our government. There are news specifically to give updates on COVID19 on a daily basis. We might Not have the full understanding of this pandemic but over the past days we learned enough to know what precautionary measures we can take.
We need to stand together for us to win the battle, remember if you do not protect the next person or stranger next to you; you are as good as Not protecting your own child, sister, brother or parents. The lockdown mode is for our own safety and we are all fighting the same enemy that is killing our nation. Everyone is affected and our understanding is crucial and unity is our only weapon right now. We are equipped with information on how to control, change and influence the situation and the bigger decision is on us to listen and follow protocol.
It is now more than ever that we need to stand united and focus on the little that we can do to make a difference. Our conspiracy theories are now of no use to us only our actions are. Debating, complaining about the “privileged and the less privileged” will not take the virus away, it affects us all and It matters not now where it comes from and the why’s and the who’s. We cannot undo what is done. Let us make the right choices and respond positively to save our lives and those of others. Our government has now provided a few testing stations to make it easier for people to freely go for screening and testing. Many have complained that they didn’t want to test them because they never showed any symptoms while others said they want to get tested but it’s too expensive. May you all take advantage of this opportunity!!
There’s a lot we learn daily on the updates on dos and don’ts whereby our screens are bombarded with information every second, that’s all that is trending right now globally. We are a nation of internet and social media so we cannot make an excuse for not checking facts, especially with the WHO site. The problem I see personally with some of the precautionary measures is the wearing of gloves, I feel it makes people be careless and neglect the importance of washing hands and using sanitizers. I see people using a pair of gloves for days without changing them. I have seen people busy touching their faces with gloves on and the worst was when I saw a lady eating with the same gloves on. Really? What I have experienced is that gloves tend to make people relax so much that after touching everything and anything all their efforts just get wasted by the above mentioned careless actions.
With the use of masks learn how to use it and who should use it and why? Ignorance or stubbornness to do as we please will be our downfall. At times a lot of people perish not due to lack of information but because they refuse to listen to reason and choose to believe whatever they want and do as they want. May we not fall victim of circumstance and stay the hell at home if you are not an essential worker. There is a lot of talk about how we are being lied to right now by either our government or the health system regarding this virus but the fact remains is that we want to stay healthy and most importantly alive so
May we continue with
- staying home
- using Alcohol-based sanitizer
- avoid touching your face
- no shaking hands and hugs
- self-quarantine if you have to
- staying home when sick if you are an essential worker
- washing hands regularly with soap for at least 20 seconds
- avoid alcohol and smoking, we have learned it is a respiratory virus.
- coughing into our elbows and when using tissues discard it safely immediately.
- if you absolutely need to go out to shop for essentials please adhere to social distancing.
if you have flu make certain that its only flu virus and here is how you can check out the differences according to pathology department
• Dry cough + sneeze = Air Pollution
• Cough + mucus + sneeze + runny nose = Common Cold
• Cough + mucus + sneeze + runny nose+ body ache + weakness + light fever = Flu
• Dry cough + sneeze + body pain + weakness + high fever + difficulty breathing = Coronavirus
The above mentioned are some of the actions that we are reminded of so to act accordingly everyday to flatten the COVID19 curve. While we fight to get back to our lives maybe we can also take this time to find ourselves, try new things, dare to challenge yourself with things you never thought you would consider, reconnect and recharge. We all wondering what life would be like when all this is over, well maybe the new things you try now well be your breakthrough or key to a greater life after lockdown.
In the midst of all the anxiety may we try to stay calm, be grateful for the moment presented, stop causing panic for others and maintain self-discipline and positive mind set.